Install on macOS

The C++ and Python RDK libraries are packed into a unified modern CMake project named flexiv_rdk, which can be configured and installed via CMake on all supported OS.


Prepare build tools

Compiler kit and CMake are needed and can be installed via:

  1. Install compiler kit: In a Terminal, enter command xcode-select to invoke the installation of Xcode Command Line Tools, then follow the prompted window to finish the installation.

  2. Install CMake (with GUI): Download cmake-3.x.x-macos-universal.dmg from CMake download page and install the dmg file. The minimum required version is 3.16.3. When done, start CMake from Launchpad and navigate to Tools -> How to Install For Command Line Use. Then follow the instruction “Or, to install symlinks to ‘/usr/local/bin’, run:” to install cmake and cmake-gui commands for use in Terminal.

Install C++ dependencies

The steps are identical to Install C++ dependencies on Linux.

Install C++ RDK

The steps are identical to Install C++ RDK on Linux.

Python RDK

Prepare build tools

Besides tools in Prepare build tools, Python interpreter and Python package manager are also needed and can be installed via:

brew install python@3.x

Replace “3.x” with the actual Python3 version you wish to use.

Install Python dependencies

The steps are identical to Install Python dependencies on Linux.

Install Python RDK

The steps are identical to Install Python RDK on Linux.